Research on Native American Sports Mascots and Nicknames
- Newest study by Davis-Delano, Gone, & Fryberg about psychosocial effects of Native American mascots, published June, 2020
(saved text of study) - Study published Feb., 2020, by the University of Michigan
(link to press release)
(saved text of study)
(Washingtonian Q & A with Stephanie Fryberg, one of the study's authors)
(saved version of Washintonian Q & A) - Bibliography of articles on Native American mascots from the American Sociological Association (link)
- List of Research Articles on Native American mascots (compiled by Stephen Carr Hampton) (link)
- List of Research Articles by Cornel Pewewardy on Native American mascots (link)
- Yale University study, 2019
(saved text of study) - U.S. Department of Education White House Initiative on American Indian Education, 2015 report (website)
- University of Buffalo study, 2015 (link)
- Oneida Indian Nation study by Dr. Michael Friedman, 2013 (link)
- American Psychological Association report (website)
- National Congress of American Indians brief on Mascots, 2009
- American Sociological Association statement on discontinuing the use of Native American mascots, 2007
Links to other mascot resources:
- The American Indian Sports Teams Mascot Page -- an excellent information source.
- The National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media web site.
- Essay by In Whose Honor? Director Jay Rosenstein about the Peoria Tribe closing the door on Chief Illiniwek (9/16/18) (or here)
- Resolution (or here) by the Executive Committee of the Oglala Sioux Tribe against Chief Illiniwek, 2007
- Perhaps the definitive essay on the subject of Chief Illiniwek (1995) by Harvard Professor Dr. Joe Gone, PhD.
Links to other American Indian video resources: